Friday 17 April 2009

Plastered no more!

At last the plaster has been removed! I thought that once it was off it would be fine but actually it still hurt like it was still broken. Apparently that is quite normal and that will ease off over the next few days. Trouble is they now tell me that it hasn't healed completely straight - 10 degree displacement still - which is at the limit of acceptability beyond which they have to break it and start again. I have also lost a millimetre of length, both of which can cause long term problems! So I have been given a wrist support which I have to wear during normal activity (take off in bed and in the shower) and some exercises to do to help regain movement. I will need to see my own GP when I get back for physio - these exercises are just to start it off as I will soon be leaving the country. Have to exercise to the point of moderate pain to have any real benefit though. Guess I still need shares in Nurofen!

Other than that this week has been pretty uneventful but fortunately short. I have put in some very long hours this week as we were pushing the limits of a deadline. At least now I should be able to have a more relaxed week next week as that will be mostly tidy up stuff which got pushed to one side while we dealt with the important stuff. Expect to have a pretty relaxed weekend too although I will have to make a start with preparations for leaving - only 12 days to go now.

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