Today is Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand - the day when they remember those who died in war so very much like our Rememberance Day. I got up early this morning to attend the dawn service in The Square - 6am start. I was totally amazed at the number of people there - many hundreds of all ages. I had been hoping to get some photos to post but I was too far back to get any photos of the memorial and wreath laying itself and those I took after, which I hoped would show the dawn breaking and give some idea of the numbers of people there, were out of focus! They have a second service at 9:30 when the Mayor of the city and a variety of other organisations lay wreaths but I'm afraid I didn't attend that one too. I did go back and take some photos of the cenotaph and the wreaths between the services and again after the second one. As you can see from the photos, the wreaths they lay are very different to ours - hardly any poppies although they do wear poppies, but only from the day before.

The rest of the day has been spent trying to prepare for the trip home. I have packed some of my stuff and prepared to take some to the charity shop. Will probably do the rest on Wednesday night now!
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