Sunday, 15 February 2009

Start of another week

Well here we are again, Sunday night and I have to get ready for a week away this week as I am off to Wanganui. It's about an hour away they tell me and we are staying there Monday to Friday. Travel time to clients is included in the working day here so journeys of that length would greatly reduce the amount of work you get done! I will probably take my own car and stay in the area for the weekend too. This will be an opportunity to see another area of the country.
The weather has picked up again and it has been a nice weekend. Yesterday I visited a Medieval Market and Festival at Levin - horse and foot soldier battles, jousting (which I missed) and a wide variety of market stalls and game stalls, many of which were geared to the active medieval particpants. Today I went out geocaching but without much success, only found one. then the batteries died in the GPS and I didn't have any spares so that ended my day's caching!
Might try to find some in the Taranaki area for next weekend - it's a good way to find some of the interesting sites.

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